Your Comments

Please post your comments here; we'd love to hear from you! Use this page to post your anecdotes, comments, remembrances or stories. Everything is welcome and the more the merrier. We are particularly interested in anecdotes and stories about Betterton, Maryland, Ethel Stahr, Lester Keephart, Richard Keephart and the Inotio Camp / Stonetone West property. Please contact us if you have any old photographs which you would like to share in our photo galleries...


My grandparents, Fred and Dolores Holste, lived at the Wild Duck for as long as I've known them. My sister, Leslie, and I would spend our summers "down the shore" with Grandmom and Pop spending our time playing in the "Doll House", going hunting for blue glass with Uncle Dick, and eating steamed crabs in the pavilion. I spend many seasons visiting my grandparents in this very special house, and it's a dear place in my heart. If you ever want to sell the property, please keep us in mind. It's a treasured part of my childhood.


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